Sunday, April 14, 2013

Me in the next life

a picture of me in the next life....praise the lord

Wow my curse worked........WINNING

Wow I have been dead a few hours and look at what happens I never really thought my curse would work on any of the families but hey apparently if you curse someone while you're dying the curse will actually work. (I'm not saying you should try it but if you are really angry at the moment you are dying then hey curse as many families you like.) I hope both families learn from me and my anger although to be fair they did lose both children who as many of you might or might not know they loved each other (shocker I know). To be fair to romeo if he would of just thought a little bit more clearly of his actions and maybe been a little bit more patient (like two minutes patient) he'd be alive right now but no he was all like "aww snap she's dead no more reason to live good bye cruel world". Alas thats young love (thank god i didnt fall like that) and seriously people is that like the new fashion or is this just an examole of one of cupid's cruel jokes?

Question of authority

Since I have died I have had alot of time to think about things....One of these things being the fact that Juliet gets a long sad and drawn out funeral while for all the audience knows I am just rotting in the middle of Verona! Yes! I the kinsman of the Prince cannot be given even the simple respect of a decent burial! No no no my friends I have to become Verona's newest Febreeze scent: A hint of decay. Oh the injustice!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Shirt and the Skirt

Romeo showed up today and- is that Juliet's nurse? Oh and shes asking for Romeo?Oh this is going to be fun...OK I'm done messing with the skirt and her henchman the shirt. So Benvolio and the others all thought it was good fun.

From Beyond the Grave

Dear Friar Laurence,
    I am writing to you now to tell you what an Excellent plan of yours that was with Romeo and Juliet.
I mean, What could possibly go wrong? Juliet faking her death and trusting a slow friar to deliver the message of your "little secret" when he lives right next to an apothecary?! Just pure Genius I applaud you sir for you  must be the biggest fool to ever set foot in Verona.
    By the way how are you doing? I know I'm having no fun AT ALL. I mean I'm just waiting for that plague to go on both Tybalt's and those Montague's Houses....
So this is what happens when you piss of a capulet......HE STABS YOU AND CHEATS LIKE A BLOODY MONGREL!!!!!!!
Well This is a decent picture of me.......You know before I died.